Aerospatiale TB30 Epsilon

serial number registration remarks
01 F-ZWVD, F-ZWVO prototype; modified to TB31 prototype (need to be confirmed)
01 F-WOMG, (F-GOMG) prototype TB31 Omega; preserved terminal Tarbes-Ossun airport, France
02 F-ZWVJ prototype; instructional airframe Cognac air base
1 118-UA, 315-UA sold to N821LM
2 118-UB, 315-UB, 6W-SAY donated to Senegal; preserved Thiès air base, Senegal
3 F-ZKFZ Aerospatiale, later Socata, F-EMK2 modified with MR300 engine; dismantled Morlaix, France
4 118-UC, 315-UC, 312-YE, 312-BA, 315-UC preserved Le Musée Européen de l'Aviation de Chasse, Montelimar, France
5 315-UD sold to N55EY
6 315-UE sold to N821NM, N912BE
7 315-UF stored Cognac air base
8 315-UG sold to N821PM, N315DH, N315PP, N315SM
9 315-UH sold to N209TB
10 315-UI, 312-BV, 315-UI sold to N234DJ
11 315-UJ 20nov1996 accident, written off
12 315-UK sold to N821QM, N315UK
13 315-UL stored Chateaudun, possible scrapped
14 315-UM instructional airframe Saintes-Thénac, France
15 315-UN 13jun2006 accident, written off
16 315-UO, 312-YF, 312-BB, 315-UO instructional airframe Alexandre Denis High School, Cerny-La Ferté Alais, France
17 315-UP withdrawn from use, dump Cognac air base
18 315-UQ 1997 accident?, instructional airframe Cognac air base
19 315-UR, 312-YG, 312-BC, 315-UR withdrawn from use, dump Cognac air base
20 315-US preserved inside HQ Cognac air base
21 315-UT, 312-YH, 312-BD, 315-UT instructional airframe Saintes Thénac, France
22 315-UU 19jul1988 accident, written off
23 315-UV, 312-YW, 312-BE, 315-UV 23mar2004 accident, written off
24 315-UW preserved Cognac air base
25 315-UX, 6W-SAZ donated to Senegal; withdrawn from use Thiès air base, Senegal
26 315-UY preserved Musée de l'Aviation, Lyon Corbas, France
27 315-UZ, 312-VI, 312-BF, 315-UZ withdrawn from use, stored Cognac air base
28 315-VA sold to N428TB
29 315-VB, 312-YV, 312-BG, 315-VB sold to N837MT
30 315-VC, 312-YX, 312-BH, 315-VC stored Châteaudun, France
31 315-VD withdrawn from use, stored Cognac air base
32 315-VE stored Châteaudun, France
33 315-VF 14mar2007 accident, written off
34 315-VG instructional airframe Groupe Institut de Soudre, Latresne, France
35 315-VH, 312-BW, 315-VH instructional airframe La Division des Spécialitiés Aéronautiques, Rochefort, France
36 315-VI stored Châteaudun, France
37 315-VJ withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
38 315-VK sold to N638TB
39 315-VL sold to N39EY
40 315-VM instructional airframe Groupe Institut de Soudre, Latresne, France
41 315-VN, 312-YI, 312-BI, 315-VN sold to N130EP
42 315-VO withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
43 315-VP sold to N821UM
44 315-VQ instructional airframe Groupe Institut de Soudre, Latresne, France
45 315-VR, 312-YJ, 312-BJ, 315-VR 14mar2007 accident, written off
46 315-VS, 312-YY, 312-BK, 315-VS sold to N46EY
47 315-VT preserved Aero Retro hangar, Saint Rambert d'Albon, France
48 315-VU withdrawn from use, Cognac air base
49 315-VV, 312-YZ, 312-BL, 315-VV 06sep2000 accident, written off
50 315-VW sold to N50TB; 01nov2019 accident, status?
51 5V-MAR Togo; fate unknown
52 315-VX withdrawn from use; on dump Cognac air base
53 315-VY 16jun1986 accident, written off
54 315-VZ preserved Musée Canopée, Chateaudun, France
55 5V-MAS Togo; 26sep2017 accident, written off
56 315-WA, 312-YK, 312-BM, 315-WA sold to N656TB
57 F-ZVLB Socata; withdrawn from use; Tabres-Lourdes airport, France
58 315-WB, 312-YU, 312-BN 21mar1996 accident, written off
59 5V-MAT Togo
60 315-WC 23aug1999 accident, written off
61 315-WD sold to N878MT
62 315-WE withdrawn from use, stored Châteaudun, France
63 315-WF sold to N815N, F-AYKA
64 315-WG fate unknown
65 315-WH, 6W-ZEE Senegal
66 315-WI withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
67 315-WJ sold to F-AYFM
68 315-WK sold to N839DA, F-AYAB
69 315-WL sold to F-AYLM
70 315-WM sold to N839EA
71 315-WN sold to N730TB
72 315-WO withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
73 315-WP sold to N315EC
74 315-WQ withdrawn from use, stored Chßteaudun, France
75 315-WR, 312-VF, 312-BO, 315-WR withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
76 315-WS sold to N76LE, F-AYCL
77 315-WT sold to N838WK, F-AYJB
78 315-WU sold to N315WU, F-AYZB
79 315-WV, 312-YT, 312-BP, 315-WV sold to N838ZE, F-AYOB
80 315-WW sold to F-HEXA, N61SH
81 315-WX withdrawn from use, stored Cognac air base
82 315-WY sold to F-HBBT
83 315-WZ sold to N315WZ
84 315-XA, 6W-ZEF Senegal
85 315-XB sold to N37HG, N22JP
86 315-XC withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
87 315-XD instructional airframe L'école d'enseignement technique de l'armée de l'air
88 315-XE withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
89 315-XF sold to N838YA, N30SD
90 315-XG sold to F-AYXG
91 315-XH withdrawn from use, fate unknown
92 315-XI sold to N9230X
93 315-XJ sold to N838XR
94 315-XK preserved Cognac air base museum
95 315-XL withdrawn from use, fate unknown
96 315-XM sold to F-HKYF
97 315-XN, 312-VJ, 312-BQ, 315-XN sold to N315XN
98 315-XO preserved Cognac air base
99 315-XP sold to OO-MDG
100 315-XQ sold to N86TW
101 315-XR sold to F-HKYH
102 315-XS instructional airframe, Thiès air base, Senegal
103 315-XT sold to N315XT
104 315-XU, 312-VH, 312-BR, 315-XU withdrawn from use, fate unknown
105 315-XV withdrawn from use, stored Toulouse-Blagnac, France
106 315-XW, 6W-ZEA Senegal
107 315-XX withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
108 315-XY sold to F-HEXI
109 315-XZ instructional airframe L'école d'enseignement technique de l'armée de l'air
110 315-YA withdrawn from use, stored Châteaudun, France
111 315-YB sold to F-HEYB
112 315-YC, 6W-ZEB Senegal
113 315-YD, 312-BU, 315-YD sold to F-AYYD
114 315-YE, 6W-ZEC Senegal
115 315-YF sold to F-HEYF
116 315-YG preserved Le Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace, Le Bourget, France
117 315-YH sold to F-AYYH
118 315-YI sold to N315GC
119 315-YJ withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
120 315-YK sold to N8383A, N36TB, N616MM
121 315-YL sold to F-AYYL
122 315-YM sold to N552TB
123 315-YN sold to N315YN, fate unknown
124 315-YO withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
125 315-YP, 312-YL, 312-BS, 315-YP sold to N125FR
126 315-YQ instructional airframe La Division des Spécialitiés Aéronautiques, Rochfort, France
127 315-YR fate unknown
128 315-YS withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
129 315-YT sold to F-HEYT, N129SH
130 315-YU sold to N130KL
131 315-YW fate unknown
132 315-YW, 6W-ZED Senegal
133 315-YX sold to N759F; 10jun2023 accident, written off
134 315-YY sold to N8385E
135 315-YZ withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
136 315-ZA fate unknown
137 315-ZB withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
138 315-ZC, 312-VX, 312-BT, 315-ZC sold to N138KL, F-AYZC
139 315-ZD withdrawn from use, in storage ChĊteaudun, France
140 315-ZE sold to N607BS, N30XS
141 315-ZF sold to F-AYCD
142 315-ZG sold to N315ZG
143 315-ZH sold to F-HEZH
144 315-ZI sold to F-HKYL
145 315-ZJ withdrawn from use, on dump Cognac air base
146 315-ZK sold to N315ZK
147 1401, 11401 Portugal
148 315-ZL 23aug1999 accident, written off
149 315-ZM sold to F-HKYN
150 315-ZN sold to N315KL
151 5V-MAU Togo
152 315-ZO sold to N599GR
153 315-ZP sold to N153TB
154 315-ZQ instructional airframe La Division des Spécialitiés Aéronautiques, Rochefort, France
155 315-ZR sold to N155TB, F-AYTB
156 1402, 11402 Portugal
157 1403, 11403 Portugal
158 315-ZS instructional airframe Lycé Polyvalent Jean Zay, Jarny, France
159 315-ZT sold to N301KJ
160 unknown unknown
161 1404, 11404 Portugal
162 1405, 11405 Portugal
163 1406, 11406 Portugal
164 1407, 11407 Portugal
165 1408 Portugal; 14may1993 accident, written off
166 1409, 11409 Portugal; 31mar2015 accident, written off
167 1410, 11410 Portugal
168 1411, 11411 Portugal
169 1412 Portugal; 20mar1991 accident, written off
170 1413, 11413 Portugal
171 1414, 11414 Portugal
172 1415, 11415 Portugal
173 1416, 11416 Portugal
174 1417, 11417 Portugal
175 1418, 11418 Portugal
unknown 315-??, 6W-ZEG Senegal
unknown 315-??, 6W-ZEH Senegal

if you have information about these aircraft, if you can ad something, please send me an e-mail at

update: 13 oct 2024.hhvdv